I-3202 semi automated Spotter
SES Model 3202 Spotter for TLC/FID techniques is a
precision instrument specially developed for applying
sample solutions onto the sintered silica gel surface
of a Chromarod. The smaller and more concentrated
the sample spot, the better the resolution obtained
after development of the Chromarod in a TLC
chamber (3201).
The reproducibility of quantitative and qualitative
analyses with the IATROSCAN is closely related to
the accurate application of a known quantity of
sample onto the surface of a Chromarod in the form
of a micro spot.
With the "Autospotter" it is possible to apply between
0.020 and 10 micro liters of sample solution. The
spotting is electronically controlled through a small
external microprocessor module, with a precision of
better than 0.5 %.
Chromarod Dryer
Chromarod Dryer eco
Our smalest Rod Dryer, take just 31x 26 x 39 cm on your table.
He have space for 2 Chromarods Holder and can be heat up
from 50-200°C.
Chromarod Dryer C8
Our Chromarods Dryer Oven C8 ist specialy designed for customers
who wants to dry a lot numbers of Chromarods in the same time. He
can hold up to 8 Rod Holders in once. He works with usual Heating
and with additional infrared heating. They need space of 47x40x32 cm
on your table.
Chromarod Dryer ED23
Our Chromarods Dryer Oven Ed23 is the standard Dryer.
He have a very good quality , is eays to use and can hold up to 6
Chromarod Holders in once. They need space of 50 x 45 x 55 cm
on your table.
Chromarods and Chromarod Holders
The CHROMAROD, developed
exclusively for the IATROSCAN,
is a thin layer in the form of thin
quarz rod evenly applied and
sintered inorganic binder and ad-
sorbent on it. Usually the cleaning
and activation of CHROMARODS
can be used repeatedly. The
CHORMARODS give excellent
separability of components and
exhibit stable reproducibility.
Special types of thin-layers,
such as those suitable for
seperating triglycerides in accor-
dance with their unsaturation
degrees or glyceride isomers,
can be easily prepared simply
by immersing the rods in silver
nitrate or boric acid solution
Helpfull Accessories
Chromarods S-V
Standard Mixtures for Lipids 8001
Standard Mixtures for Heavy Oil 8011
Development Tank DT-150
Filter Paper for Development Tank
Chromarod Storage Chamber
Chromarod Holder
Chromarod Viewer Panel
Chromarod Dryer eco
IATROSCAN recharable Ignitor
Contact us / Kontakt:
SES GmbH Analysesysteme
Friedhofstrasse 7-9
55234 Bechenheim
Tel.: +49 (0) 6736 1301
Fax: +49 (0) 6736 1305
e-Mail: support@iatroscan-USA.com